Monday, July 12, 2010

Back in India

Things I haven't thought about in over 2.5 years:

Auto-rickshaw rides

- Sideways head bob
- Gecko noises
- Veg or non-veg
- Twenty rupees only
- Cool drinks
- Reluctant coins
- Toting T.P.
- Moth balls in the sink

Strange cows in strange places

That's just a start.  I'm in India, and although my lifestyle must certainly be adjusted and, quite frankly, held to a different standard, I am not experiencing any of the shock that we felt during our first weeks here in 2007.  Vellore is just as crazy, crowded, and congested as any Indian city, but luckily, I am staying on the Christian Medical College campus, which is separated from the rest of the town.  Here it is quiet, with shaded dirt roads running through the mostly residential campus, and only the occasional vehicle.  Also, I have already made friends with the other American students at the CHTC guest house - most are also medical students, and they've already had a month to adjust, so they're showing me all the good restaurants and things to do.  I don't know what I'll do when they all leave in 3 weeks...

1 comment:

  1. Please tell me that you are having some "chai, chai, coffee, chai"! Are you near RUHSA or is the CMC campus closer to Vellore? I am so jealous, have a lassi for me :) (the ones at the grocery store right across from the hospital are really good from what I remember).
