Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Know More About Planes

As an Air Force officer, I feel it is my duty to actually know something about planes.  Unfortunately, before this summer, all I knew about planes was that I flew in large ones frequently to get to various destinations.  Basically, I knew nothing.  Now, I'm not saying I actually know all about planes now, but I'm gradually increasing my knowledge.  We had lectures specifically on the B-2 and U-2 operations last Friday, and we've been learning at least the names and relative sizes and operations of different systems along the way as well.  Great.  Well, today I was able to put some of my newfound knowledge to work out at Randolph AFB as we spent much of the day near a runway.

Nice, long runway.  Lots of fuel trucks.

Our main activity of the day was to learn about the firefighting operations at the base.  As flight surgeons, we will work closely with the fire department to help in medical or other emergencies, so it makes sense to learn how a base fire department works, what kinds of operations they have, what their typical day is like, etc.  We all felt like little kids looking at the shiny fire trucks and various types of equipment out in the hot Texas sun.  To make things even more interesting (and warm), some of us got to try on the firefighting gear.

Like me!

I give those guys credit.  They have a TOUGH job.  Not only are they constantly on call for whatever type of emergencies crop up at an Air Force base, but they also have to keep in good shape just to be able to work in all of that gear!  I was drenched in sweat by the time I took the equipment off.

It's not easy dragging a 165-pound dummy while wearing a 60-pound suit.

While we were there, we were treated to the magnificent sight of three F-15E's that landed (briefly) on our runway in the midst of some sort of training or mission out of their base in Missouri.  We were all giddily scrambling to take pictures of the jets.  The pilots must have thought we looked ridiculous, but they waved at us from their perch in those beautiful aircraft.  Then, a few minutes later, they took off again.  I have never heard a louder sound in my life; the entire earth was shaking.


Finally, we ended our day with a visit to the air traffic control tower.  It was a treat to see an overhead view of the entire base as well as the runway.  We were even able to watch two T-38's take off simultaneously, as well as a T-1 landing and a solo T-38 a bit later.  Amazing day.  Can't wait for tomorrow...

We'll see you again soon.

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