It's also been an exciting time for New Yorkers, and especially for the Bronx, because of the World Series. There's no way I could have ever gotten tickets for a game (or even have wanted to spend that much), but it's been even better than I could have imagined getting caught up in the excitement of it all. Everywhere I go, I see Yankees hats, Yankees t-shirts, Yankees sweatshirts...and all talk is about the Yankees. Yes, I realize that I'm obligated to hate the Yankees. Normally I would, especially when the Twins are involved. But now -- with the World Series -- and living in New York -- I can't help it. I want them to win. How in the world could I not cheer for them? Plus, in my defense, it's almost a matter of safety. For a few of the games, I've joined a friend from school at a pub in the city. The first time I was there, one of his friends asked me (loudly) if I was a Yankees fan. Immediately, everyone surrounding me became silent, turning their heads to hear the critical answer. I laughed nervously and said, "I'm cheering for them tonight." It was a good enough answer, apparently, because the people at the bar quickly got back to their business of cheering loudly, cursing the Phillies, and clanging a bell every time the Yankees scored.
Halloween was also this past weekend. I didn't go to the parade, but I was in the city, and it was a sight to see. The normally serious, get-down-to-business New York mob exchanged its usual no-nonsense sense of fashion for giddy, brightly colored costumes throughout all of Saturday. At Einstein, costumes were equally as creative. I'll finish this post with a few samples:
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