After several days of being sick, what I really needed today was some fun. Unfortunately, with another anatomy exam coming up on Monday, fun wasn't necessarily feasible (or even desirable, considering that I'm still not feeling 100% better). So, my next task was to find someplace to study other than my room, because it's begun to wear out its usefulness as a productive studying space. Sad, I know. I have yet to study in the Einstein library, but from what I've seen of it, I have a feeling it would wear out very quickly. It's nothing compared to the quirky Rolvaag, where every semester I could find a new nook that felt completely different and refreshing, or the bright and cheery Hustad, where the "new" smell and the large windows all contributed toward re-energizing my desire to study. I had studied at the Fordham library last night (and plan on going there again tomorrow), and I was thinking that a trip out of the Bronx might do me some good, so I came up with a winning solution: going straight to the middle of Manhattan to study at the main branch of the New York Public Library.

Part of the main reading room, which I learned is the length of 2 city blocks!
It was a good choice. The main reading room, where I decided to camp out, was HUGE. I arrived just as the library was opening, at 10 a.m. Throughout the morning, a slow trickle of people gradually joined me in the reading room; by the time I left a few hours later, it was full -- but still, all that could be heard was the delightful ambient noise of fans, pages turning, and the muffled scraping of wooden chairs on the stone floor. Sometime in the middle of it all, I realized I was happy. I was actually enjoying myself. Studying had become less of a task to get done, more of an experience to enjoy along with the hundreds of other people in the room. I'm going to have to do this more often.